Photo of Elder Vern (above) by Matthew Wiley
In most traditional cultures, “an elder is one acknowledged for not only being older but has also reached a state of maturity and wisdom…the old and the elder are the most revered members of the community and are its greatest preservers and nurturers.” -Malidoma Somé
In July 2007, Nelson Mandela brought together a group of independent leaders and introduced them by saying “… with their experience, and their profound commitment to building a better world- let us call them global Elders. They support courage where there is fear, foster agreement where there is conflict and inspire hope where there is despair." -www.theelders.org
“It takes a person of great heart to see...the wisdom elders have to offer, and so serve them out of gratitude for the life they have passed on to us." - Kent Nerburn
Wisdom of Elders
What We Do
This initiative provides a forum for elders to share practical knowledge and wisdom for the betterment of humanity, our planet, and all of creation.
Living Ways Foundation (LWF) defines elders as those who carry deep wisdom and practical knowledge for the betterment of individuals, communities, and the world. Wisdom is defined as the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment, together with an ability to discern inner qualities and relationships. Although age and experience usually adds to ones capacity for eldership, ‘elder’ does not necessarily mean older. We value the wisdom of all people regardless of ethnicity, age, and social status.
- Organize and host a one day event featuring selected local, national, and international elders to share their wisdom.
How You Can Help
This project supports hosting a gathering of elders at the Living Ways Foundation site. Your donation will assist with the costs of this gathering. Donate Now
At Living Ways, we require volunteers for a range of activities, from working on our key projects, to helping with administrative work or our promotional and digital efforts. We encourage diversity among our volunteers, and recruit prospective volunteers from a broad range of abilities and backgrounds. Volunteer Here
Legacy of Elders
Elders possess a valuable contribution and represent a vast store of wisdom that can guide us in transforming our lives, our communities and the planet.
Living Ways aims to increase awareness of the powerful role of elders, as well as disseminating their messages and supporting the concept of eldership for children, youth and adults. We acknowledge and champion the profound gifts of elders for the betterment of our society. Recordings of elders we host will be highlighted on our web site.
Cree Elder Vern Harper, Chapon Asin (Great Grandfather Stone), (June 17, 1936 - May 12, 2018). It is an honour and privilege to feature this spiritual elder and share some of his messages recorded before his passing. Living Ways had the privilege of videotaping Elder Vern (Videographer, Wendy Rowland). Living Ways is grateful and delighted to have these videos available to the public.
For more information on Elder Vern please click on the following link.
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